It has been brought to my attention that all of my efforts and attempts to "educate" all the Visitors of my Blog about the "Church of Scientology" were unsuccessful to say the least. Instead of "raising awareness", I have created much confusion to those who had no idea that Scientology existed at all.
I think that all of the information that I have provided so far are too much for someone to comprehend without any place to start from...
Fair enough...
To help you begin your Journey to understanding the Church of Scientology in its present form, I'll show you some YouTube Videos that will hopefully spark your interest and encourage you to do your own research. I am only a Guide and I do not know everything. All I can do is my best and that hope that it would be enough...
Let the Lesson begin...
"What Scientologists Actually Believe"
There are SEVERAL variations of this story all over the Internet and it can be difficult to determine which one is correct. However, the Alien named "XENU" can be found in ALL of them. Most Scientologists DO NOT KNOW about this story until they have paid THOUSANDS of Dollars and have spent THOUSANDS of Hours doing Scientology "Auditing". Scientologists will ONLY be told this story when they have finally reached a certain level in the Scientology Heirarchy. Also, anyone who does know about this story is INSTRUCTED to NEVER reveal it to anyone else, including Family and other Scientologists. So if you come acroos anyone who claims that this story or any other variation of it is untrue, then it means that they either REALLY DON'T KNOW about the story or they are lying.
Of course, there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with anyone believing in this story, no matter how ridiculous it sounds. However, there IS something wrong with having to waste Time and Money just to know about it and then not telling it to someone else. Other Religions have their own Tales of Origins that they tell freely to ANYONE who is interested and they are never embarrased about their respective beliefs. So why should Scientology feel the NEED to hide their beliefs from others? What Religion has CLASSIFIED INFORMATION? It doesn't even BEGIN to make sense... Sadly, that is how the Church of Scientology operates and they would not hesitate to disprove anyone who mentions this Scientology Story to them. They are AFRAID that other people would not join them if they knew about what they believed in...
Now, for the SERIOUS part of the Lesson... The Crimes...
"The Un-Funny Truth About Scientology"
A few years ago, this Video was responsible for making me interested about the Church of Scientology and I simply cannot tolerate the abusive nature of this False Religion ever since. The Church claims to have stopped their harsh treatment of Non-Believers but it's an obvious lie. The harsh treatment continues and is carried out away from the Eyes of the Law in order to keep their organisation alive at ANY cost.
If these heinous acts of the Church failed to affect you in any way, all I can say is Good Luck and I hope that the Church would not find their way into your Money...
If you still cannot understand a single damn thing about Scientology after watching these, then I really cannot help you any further. This is as simple as I can put it and I cannot imagine anyone NOT being able to comprehend it. Seriously, is it really that difficult?
If you have questions, feel free to ask through Comments. I'll answer them to the best of my ability...
This concludes our Lesson... You can do your part by sharing this with everyone you know...
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